Tzanck cells are seen in mainly two diseases, i.e.
1. Pemphigus vulgaris
2. Herpes simplex infection
Tzanck Cells in Pemphigus Vulgaris
Pemphigus consists of vesicle or bulla formation in spinous
layer of epithelium just above basal cell layer which leads to
suprabasilar split. Prevesicular edema weaken intercellular
junctions and intercellular bridges between epithelial cells
break and the epithelial cells fell apart which is known as
acantholysis, due to this clumps of epithelial cells found free
on the vesicular space. These loose cells are characterized by
degenerative changes such as hyperchromatic staining and
swelling of nuclei, cells become round in shape, these cells are
known as tzanck cells.
Tzanck Cells in Herpes Simplex Infection
Herpes simplex virus mainly affects the epithelial cells. Infected
epithelial cells undergo ballooning degeneration and show
following features such as acantholysis, nuclear clearing and
enlargement of nucleus. These acantholytic epithelial cells are
known as tzanck cells.